After-LIFE plan
In accordance to the LIFE-EU grant agreements, we have published an AFTER-LIFE plan in which we set out the ambitions for further development of the N.E.W.B.I.E.S. technology. Download the plan here.

PP#13 Digestate Phase Final Report
As these results have now been published in a peer reviewed journal as well (see our publication section) the internal reporting on the digestate phase is made public.

PP#12 Urine Phase Final Report
As these results have now been published in a peer reviewed journal as well (see our publication section) the internal reporting on the urine phase is made public.

PP#11 – Leachate phase final report
As the operation on the leachate phase didn't show very promising perspectives from an application point of view, the consortium has decided not to do the effort of publishing this in a peer-reviewed journal. The final report as composed within the project consortium is disclosed hereby.

PP#10: Layman report
As part of the project finalization, the results obtained over the complete project duration have been summarized in non-expert readable form. Click here to download the Laymens report

PP#9: Preliminary results on leachate
The first analytical results have been analysed for the leachate scenario and are presented in the attached report. As expected the high conductivity of the wastewater and relatively large sodium content caused inefficiencies that we hope to solve in the second and last pilot leg.

PP#8: Last testing site: pilot commissioning on Landfill Leachate
Time has come for the pilot to move to it's last test site within the NEWBIES project: the Landfill facility of Indaver in Nieuwdorp, Zeeland. Here it will treat the leachate that percolates through the landfills. A challenging wastewater, that compared to previous sites contains elevated salt concentrations and humics. Commissioning of the pilot went smoother than ever though!

PP#7: Second results on treatment of urine
The full experimental scheme of process characterization conditions on urine has been finished and preliminary results are reported, with some analytical data not available yet. Based on the obtained results, a most favorable combination of current density, operational mode, feed control method and CIP parameters is defined. We're looking forward how these conditions will turn out to perform on the longer run!

PP#6: First results on urine
Progress is speeding up! Within weeks after its commisioning on urine, characterization runs were succesfully carried out. Uninterrupted by practical hiccups, the first - albeit very preliminary - results on attained KPIs can be provided. Moreover, the plan for the time ahead is further refined.

High-tech treatment of urine tested at eco-community Arneco
In-depth article in the Dutch-Flanders oriented magazine "NPT proces technologie" on the operation and perspectives of N.E.W.B.I.E.S on source separated urine.

Making fertilizer in the backyard with N.E.W.B.I.E.S.
Laymens interview on the regional television on the workings of the N.E.W.B.I.E.S. pilot installation as it is tested on source-separated urine (in Dutch)

PP#5: Pilot commissioned on urine
The pilot installation arrives at the second testing location and is commisioned. This time it will treat source separated urine. An impresison of the first weeks

Presentation at Annual Dutch Nutrient Platform meeting 2020
The Nutrient Platform is a cross-sectoral network of Dutch organizations that believe in a pragmatic approach towards nutrient scarcity. Frontrunners from the water sector, agriculture, waste sector and chemical industry have joined forces to close nutrient cycles. Philipp Kuntke from Wetsus presented the N.E.W.B.I.E.S. project and its preliminary results.

PP#4: Second results on digestate
With the initial teething problems worked out of the way, a series of characterization runs has been performed to target the most substantial process loss factors. Detailed analysis of measured ion transport is performed, resulting KPIs are reported and some preliminary conclusions on the attainable performance and inherent limitations found for the reject water casus are given. Download the progress presentation here.

PP#3: Facing reality: first results on digestate
Operating the pilot for the first time on a real wastewater caused a small explosion in teething problems to surface. Scaling in places we didn't expect them, process automation showing less stable under conditions not tested before, and composition-specific performance losses that need further investigation. We've got work to do! Read more about in this progress report.

Kennisconsortium zet stikstof om in kunstmest
Amidst the Dutch "Stikstofcrisis", and days before the pilot installation was shipped to Girona, W&F Technologies was interviewed by BNR nieuwsradio about the NEWBIES process.

PP#2: Hook up the reject water
After a week of Site Acceptancy Testing at LPS, the Pilot has been transported to Girona to be operated on its first real wastewater: reject water from sludge digesters. Some pictures of the first week in a sunny Catalunya.

Kunstmestfabriek wint ammoniak uit afvalwaterstromen
Announcement on commissioning of the pilot installation by Petrochem

Elektrische oplossing voor gespannen stikstofcrisis
Interview about N.E.W.B.I.E.S. in C2W with process technologist Sam Molenaar from W&F Technologies

Watertechnologen werken aan duurzame oplossing stikstof
Interview about the N.E.W.B.I.E.S. project in Waterforum with process technologist Sam Molenaar from W&F Technologies.

Demo-stand at Wetsus Congress 2019
W&F Technologies presented the N.E.W.B.I.E.S. pilot ED stack along with a poster presenting the process at the Wetsus annual Congress in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. Click to download the poster presented.

Elektrisch zuiveren van mest
Short announcement of the pilot installation on mestportaal.nl

Elektrisch zuiveren van mest biedt perpectief voor productie van kunstmestvervanger
News coverage on the pilot installation and the project in NCM

PP#1: Pilot installation ready!
With great enthusiasm and moderate pride we announce the N.E.W.B.I.E.S. pilot plant is finished and ready to go on ...

Poster Presentation at IWA-RR Conference 2019
Federico Ferrari from I.C.R.A. presented the N.E.W.B.I.E.S. process and its preliminary results on digestate from Girona at the IWA-RR 2019 conference in Venice. Download the presentation.

Poster presentation at 3rd NH3 Event
W&F Technologies participated at the 2019 NH3 event in Rotterdam, presenting a poster of the project.
Download presented poster

Poster Presentation at 3rd European Nutrient Event
Mariana Rodrigues, PhD Student at Environmental Technology Wageningen UR and working on improving NEWBIES technology in the Wetsus laboratory, presented a poster of the LIFE-NEWBIES consortium at the 3rd European Nutrient Event. The 2018 European Nutrient Event was part of the ECOMONDO (The green Technologies EXPO) from 6 – 9 November 2018 in Rimini (Italy).

Demo-stand at Wetsus Congress 2018
W&F Technologies together with REDstack was present at the Wetsus Congress 2018 and presented the N.E.W.B.I.E.S. project to secretary of state Mona Keijzer.